When injecting the tree with this system, the fluid is inserted with enough pressure (to allow the products) to reach the transpiratory flow of the plant, which is responsible for distributing the active principles and the nutritive solutions into the tree.
A higher pressure would break the cavity of the vessels of the conducting tissue damaging the xylem. (Kramer and Kozlowsky,1979).
The system of application is easy to use and has a very low cost, it does not damage the environment; it can be used in rural and urban areas.
It injects the correct dose of chemicals products directly in the vascular system of the tree, allowing an efficient use of the products.
It promotes an immediate absorption and the transfer of the active principles and the nutritious solutions injected.
It generates a more efficient use of the phytosanitary products, as they are not in contact with substrates that might retain the active principles and mineral nutrients.
The product remains inside the tree for a longer period of time improving the effectiveness of the treatment.
It is easy to inject, even to very tall trees or those difficult to reach. Makes possible phytosanitary applications in cases where it is impossible to use conventional treatments.
The low pressure system avoids damages or ruptures at the cellular level.
The factors that affect the absorption of the injected products can be grouped together as follows:
Those regarding the vegetable matter, specie of the tree, the sanitary condition, the activity or the rest of the tree at the moment of the injection and the foliage density.
The environment factors, especially those that affect the rate of transpiration.
Those associated with the chemical products, formulation, type and concentration.
The technique used to inject the trees is another very important factor to bear in mind, particularly the depth and diameter of the hole drilled in the tree and the bit speed of the driller.